Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Baby Story: Kenyans Are Tough!

Our friend and guard, Patrick, recently had his sixth child, a little girl named Rejoice.  Patrick is an awesome guy, and is an assistant pastor at his church.  The other day, Tammy was talking with Patrick about the birth of his daughter, and Patrick shared the following story:

Patrick's wife went into labor at 2 AM, and because they did not have a vehicle for transportation to the hospital (bike, motorcycle, or car), Patrick began looking for a piki (motorcycle) or boda (bike) to take his wife to the hospital.  Because he couldn't find a piki or boda, Patrick and his wife began walking to the local hospital.  Halfway to the hospital, Patrick's wife began to give birth . . . so, Patrick delivered his new baby girl on the side of the road!  Tammy asked how Patrick cut the umbilical cord, and he replied that he had a razor blade and string (to tie around both ends of the cord).  Because Patrick's wife had already given birth there was no reason to go to the hospital, so Patrick, his wife, and their new baby girl just walked back home!

I don't know about you, but I'd say that Kenyans are pretty tough!!!

Patrick and Lyla