Friday, February 24, 2012

Guest Blogger: Fredrick Okoko

So, my friend Fredrick is sitting in for me this afternoon as a guest blogger.  As they say in Kenya, "Please greet him!"

Hi, my name is Fredrick.  I am 14 years old and am in Class 5. I am from Luanda, which is about 1 hour northwest of Kisumu.  My favorite food is kuku (chicken) and rice.  I like to read the Bible and books about Social Studies.  I like to drive things, like a boda (bike).  If I had free time, I would watch a movie about Jesus or Moses (this is my favorite movie).  I want to be an engineer when I grow up.  Goodbye!


  1. hi fredrick! i'm Chris' sister. nice to meet you. engineering would be a great career!

  2. Hey Fredrick! For some reason, it's difficult to post comments. Thank you for sharing things about yourself. What is your favorite book of the Bible? We look forward to hearing more from you and the other boys at Agape! We also look forward to meeting you very soon!

    From the Perrys :)

  3. Hi Kate & Julia, my favorite book of the Bible is Proverbs. I look forward to meeting you soon. ~Fredrick

  4. Hey Fredrick, good to see you again. Hope your doing well. Being an engineer is a good profession. May the Lord help you to achieve your goals. Remember to always put the Lord first in everything and He will direct your steps.

    God Bless,

    Walter & Grant

    Proverbs 16:9 The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.
