Saturday, June 16, 2012

An Update on Brian Ogola

For the past 11 days, Brian has been out of the hospital and staying with one of our staff members' mother.  Praise the Lord that he has had no more attacks of anger or anxiety!!!  We've significantly reduced the medications that he's taking, so all indications are that Brian is on the mend!  The biggest remaining concern is his eyesight.  His eyes are still very sensitive to bright lights, and he also complains about not being able to read (he knows how to read, but his eyes are functioning correctly). More details on this below . . .

Yesterday, I took Brian to see Dr Lisa Dillabaugh, an American physician working here in Kisumu and was delighted to learn upon our arrival that Dr. Lisa had also invited her friend, Dr. Ana-Claire Meyer, an American neurologist, to join us on Brian's visit.  Dr. Lisa works at the medical clinic in town that administers Brian's antiretrovirals (ARVs), the medication used to treat his HIV.  

Dr. Lisa and Dr. Ana-Claire asked a lot of questions about the incidents around Brian's bout with bacterial meningitis and his difficult recovery from the illness.  Dr. Ana-Claire then began a few tests to test Brian's eyesight and his motor skills.  She determined that due to the swelling of Brian's brain during his illness, his peripheral vision has been negatively impacted.  It was interesting to watch and see how Brian couldn't detect things that would be within an individual's normal range of vision.  Dr. Ana-Claire likened the condition to looking through two paper towel rolls or walking around with blinders on.  The lack of peripheral vision also leads to great difficulty in reading as your eyes only allow you to focus upon one letter at a time.  Dr. Ana-Claire also detected some small abnormalities with Brian's motor skills, but she indicated that these might be caused by the strong anti-psychotics that Brian is still taking (albeit at lower dosages).

So, the good news is that Brian is getting better, but what we still need to pray about is Brian's continued recovery.  Please pray that his eyes will continue to improve and that Brian will be patient as his body recovers.  He gets a little frustrated that it's taking so long to get better.  The two doctors also provided a way to wean Brian of the remainder of his medication within two weeks.  We'll be very excited to have Brian off all of this medication!  

Lastly, the doctors recommended that we slowly reintroduce Brian back into life at Agape, so earlier today the Page family took Brian up to Agape for Saturday Bible Study and to play with his friends.  He did great!!! We are so grateful that such gifted doctors were able to meet with Brian yesterday.  THANK YOU SO MUCH, DR. LISA AND DR. ANA-CLAIRE!!!!

Please keep this sweet boy in your prayers!!!

I found this photo of Brian from back in January.  Brian's the second boy from the right.


  1. what great news! I'll pray for his continued recovery. Do you have any sort of physical therapy he could take part in to help his vision?

  2. Not sure yet; the good news is that Dr. Ana-Claire has an ophthalmologist friend that will be in Kisumu soon, and she will try to coordinate a visit for Brian with this friend. Another thing we can be praying for!
