Monday, January 30, 2012

Street Boys

If you've ever wondered what street boys look like in Kisumu, the Kjeldgaard's oldest son, Nick, just filmed and edited the following video showing life on the street in Kisumu. 

Please pray specifically for Tom Onyango, he's the boy in the red shirt at about 1:45 into the video. He jumped the fence at Agape about 2 weeks ago and isn't ready to come back yet.

I know, I know, he's raised the bar for videos on this blog.  I think I'll have to get a better camera and a Mac . . . .

The Street Boys of Kisumu from Creative Studios on Vimeo.


  1. Nicely done... good portrayal of the street boys!

  2. thanks for sharing, will pray. what does an average adult in Kisumu think of street boys? do they want to help them?

  3. Julia, it depends on the adult . . . some are indifferent, some care, some see them as a nuisance, some outright despise street children. Most Kenyans are struggling to get by, so it's hard to feel sorry for anyone outside of their own family.
